4 Surefire Tips on How to Write an Astounding HGV Driver CV

Lorries on the motorwayYour training is over, and you are well armed to face the world and find yourself a job working as an HGV driver. You are excited, and things seem promising. But like with any industry, breaking into the HGV sector can prove daunting, especially when you are not familiar with the industry’s customs and expectations. Nevertheless, you will start your career at some point, and you need to find the perfect way of showcasing your professional competencies. Below are a few essential tips on the things that must be in your CV now that you are a qualified HGV driver through Easy as HGV, which will help you land a job right away.

1: Essential Information

You must include your essential information; things such as your full name, address, email and phone contacts. Such details will help potential employers to glance at your resume, know who you are and how to get hold of you. However, avoid getting too carried away. Keep the information short and concise.

The employer does not need to know your gender, age or marital status. Including such details in your CV can be prejudicial and could cost you the opportunity to get hired. Stick to the basics, have two contact numbers (mobile and landline), which many people tend to forget.

2: Personal Summary

Once you cover the essential bits, you then should compose a short personal summary. It should tell the potential employers about the professional you. Therefore, it will be a professional script that does not have to delve into other issues like your hobbies and leisure interests.

Instead, focus on stating how and why you are a perfect fit for the role. Cover topics such as your work ethic, previous experience, or even any new qualifications, and not forgetting to mention your love for being on the road. A rule of thumb to remember is to keep it short but convincing; do not overshare.

3: Work Experience

It will be the crucial bit of your CV – your work experience, your best practice days. It is best if you covered them in reverse chronological order. Start with the most recent employment and work backward. You might be a bit nervous about this section of your resume if this is your first venture into the HGV driving industry. You worry that you might not be a viable candidate because you lack the experience needed. However, this is far from the truth. Different firms are scouting new, up and coming HGV drivers to hire and replace the retiring drivers. As such, this could work in your favour.

Conversely, any old jobs can help showcase other skills you might have acquired, like being time conscious and hitting targets. Remember to include the company name, job position and role, how long you worked there and other essential duties you did during your time there.

4: Qualifications

It is another crucial part of your resume, especially if you are a new HGV driver because it is where you must shine. List all your professional qualifications in reverse chronological order. Use this section to showcase any new qualifications you might have like Cat C or Cat C+E and your school grades, among others.

A Few Extra Tips

Keep in mind that potential employers will use the information you present to them to determine if you meet their expectations and are a worthy candidate for the job. Therefore, strive to make a resounding first impression. Review your CV, missing grammatical errors and spelling mistakes might be all it takes to miss out on that employment opportunity.

Also, note that a good resume is all about quality, not quantity. Your CV should contain all the relevant information prospective employers need to decide if you are worth hiring. If you are trying to figure out if certain details are worth adding, they probably are not.