Eco-Friendly Cleaning Tips: 5 Easy Ways To Go Green

Cleaning products packed with harmful chemicals may be useful in getting your cleaning tasks done, but they also have a negative impact on the surrounding environment and even your home. Some products leave your surfaces and floors covered in toxins, while many also increase greenhouse gas and CO2 emissions.

“Going Green” doesn’t mean having to live with stains and dust in and around your home. You can change up your cleaning habits with a couple of eco-friendly practices, to maintain a sparkling clean home, without harming the environment. Below are a few tried and tested eco-friendly methods to refresh and clean your space. If you need to quickly clean large areas of hard outdoor surfaces, try finding good jet washing services.

1.) Change Over To Reusable Cleaning Products

Were you aware that 381 million tonnes of plastic waste are produced globally every year? Unfortunately, around half of these plastic products are designed for one use only. At the same time, only about 9% of this plastic has been recycled. While placing plastic containers, bottles, or any other plastic product in the correct recycling containers might be an environmentally friendly practice, it is much easier to choose reusable alternatives. For example:

Change Your Plastic Bottles For Glass

Use glass bottles for your cleaning sprays, and rather purchase low-packaging refills when possible. This will not only lower your impact on the environment since you won’t be throwing away as much plastic, but you will also save money at the same time. Most of the refills cost less than having to buy new bottles every time.

2.) Use Reusable Cleaning Cloths

Forget about tissue and paper towels. These are already unreliable products and increase waste production in a massive way. Change over to microfiber reusable cloths for banishing dust, scrubbing countertops, and polishing surfaces. When you are done, give them a quick wash in your washing machine.

3.) Avoid Using Dryer Sheets

Dryer sheets may be a great method to add a fresh smell to your clothes and linen, but these also add a surprising carbon footprint. Rather use dryer balls infused with natural oils which will give off a delightful scent. Essential oils are relatively cheap, and usually easy to find.

4.) Start Experimenting With Home-Made Natural Cleaners

While there may be a range of eco-friendly cleaners to choose from when you visit your local store, you can also save money and lower your overall carbon footprint by using glass bottles to mix concoctions of your own. Popular ingredients to make your own cleaners include:

Baking Soda

Baking soda is excellent to minimise odours in curtains, carpets, and furniture. Sprinkle over a thin layer, wait a few hours, and then vacuum the powder. Combining baking soda and vinegar creates an effective fizzing cleaner that you can use to wash down bathrooms and worktops.

White Vinegar

White vinegar is an essential ingredient when it comes to eco-friendly cleaning routines. It is an effective stain remover, and it also has antibacterial properties. Diluting white vinegar in water is great to reduce odours since it helps to trap and soak up smells.


Lemons have antibacterial and antiseptic properties, making them excellent for sanitization. Rub lemon across your cutting boards to banish bacteria and germs or add a few peels to a bottle of vinegar for an all-around zesty cleaning spray. Dip a lemon half in salt which you can then use to scrub away stains on copper pans and pots.

5.) Avoid Using Air Fresheners

Aerosol air fresheners are responsible for causing a lot of environmental damage. The chemicals in these sprays are usually toxic and harmful to the air, water, and soil around your property, and when thrown away, these products have a negative long-lasting effect: Change out your air fresheners for:

A Few Houseplants

Houseplants can give your home aesthetic appeal, and having a bit of green around your home could also improve your mood, help to remove toxins and unwanted smells, and improve the air quality around your home.